I had one such client agree to see me a couple of days ago
because I was the only one with appointments available and their pet was sick.
Our practice has a policy of doing blood draws and injections in the exam room
wherever possible, so I attempted to do so. If I had known (or picked up on?)
the fact that the client was SUPER protective and nervous about their pet, I
would have brought the pet to the back. Instead it took a couple of attempts to
do the blood draw (my fault) and a couple of attempts to get the injection
fully in (the tech’s fault).
The client emailed their “regular” doctor and asked them to
take over the case as a result, which is hugely embarrassing. Now that doctor
(who is my boss and an owner) wants to talk with me and the tech about how to
I know that this is how you learn but it really bruises the
ego. One of my mentors says that veterinary medicine is a constantly humbling
endeavor – whenever you feel like you know what you’re doing you get knocked
down a couple of pegs.