Wednesday, February 27, 2013

5 more days - and why did I sign up for that?!

Only 5 more days at the current job, thank goodness! In one way it's easier to deal with all the madness and BS knowing that I'm leaving, but on the other hand these seem like some of the longest days I've ever spent there.

I also signed up for the Crossfit open. Frankly I'm not even sure I will be able to complete all of the workouts but thought it would be a nice challenge - plus it's not very expensive to register, so what the heck. I've no illusions about making it to any sort of competitive level (regionals or obviously the Crossfit Games) - just want to keep pushing myself.

It will be nice to have that week-and-a-half off between jobs too. I'm still going to the new place once a week and still love it, so that's good!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I turned in my resignation first thing this morning with 2 weeks' notice. Exactly no one was surprised, and most people seemed pretty happy for me.
Even if for some reason this other job offer doesn't pan out (and it sounds like it will - they've hired a tech and are working on a receptionist to support the extended hours that I will cover), I have some possibilities with relief work so we won't be flat broke.
I'm relieved that the end is in sight at this horrible place. I'm excited at the prospect of working somewhere where I feel like the best version of myself and not the worst - and where I fit in. I'm scared that I will fail.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

6 days a week

I'm still at the current (hopefully soon-to-be-old) job 5 days per week. On one of my days off I've been continuing to go to the shelter to do surgeries and then head to the other practice (the one where I have a potential job pending) to sorta work and get used to everything.

At this point I have a verbal offer from them and they are in the process of hiring 1 more tech and 1 more receptionist to help support the extra doctor (me). Once those people are in place then they can give me a start date. Hopefully I will get the good news soon!

If not, I'm also working on getting paperwork together (mainly liability insurance because I didn't need it while working for the corporate behemoth) so that I can work at vaccine clinics part-time if needed.

Bottom line: I should be able to quit very soon! In the mean time I'm very very very tired. Sundays are pretty much my only days off right now.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Shameless plug

I bought a spay retractor recently and used it for the first time this week. It's a little bit hard to explain, but essentially it's a device that acts like a 2nd pair of hands to hold things up so that it is easier to place ligatures.


It cut 15 minutes off my dog spay time - from 45 to 30 minutes. Nice!

Friday, February 8, 2013

More phone message fun

On my desk yesterday, a message to call Ms. D regarding Her dog. The dog is feeling much better, so can she stop the antibiotics? Please call.

Um, NO.

I was more flabbergasted at the receptionist's forwarding that question to me. After working in this field for years they should know better. Just take some initiative once in a while? Please?

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I don't want to write too much about it right now and jinx it but it appears as though I may have found a new and AWESOME job! I adore the clinic and the people who work there. No written offer yet though (they need to hire support staff to correspond to adding another doctor). Once I have more details I'll share. Obviously I'm very excited!

The rest of the ski vacation/honeymoon was good. Work is insane - apparently either a lot of clients were waiting for me to come back or the staff is making light appointment schedules on my off days purposefully. Who knows. I've already made my production goal for the week and still have 2 more days to go ...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Double black diamonds

Yesterday when I started to get a little afraid on an extremely steep and bumpy run, this is what I told myself:
This is way easier than spaying a big dog.

Tomorrow morning we head home. It will be good to see the cats and to sleep in my own bed.