Thursday, October 18, 2012

More firsts, more good stories, and sick.

Yesterday I had my first diabetic patient present for blood glucose curve monitoring. I'd done exactly one before in school and only had a fuzzy idea of how to interpret them (Thank you VIN for clearly explaining what my professors couldn't!)
Today I had my first seizure patient. He wasn't actively seizuring (thank goodness, because we carry no drugs to break status epilepticus, or a prolonged continuous seizure). Turns out he had been placed on an anti-convulsant but the owner stopped the meds because he had no more seizures. While on the meds to prevent seizures. Headdesk.

Now, for a gem of an exchange that happened yesterday while I was frantically writing up records:
Receptionist: "Dr S?"
Me "Yes ..."
Receptionist: "Jojo, our drop-off annual exam? He needs to go to the groomer and he also needs vaccines, and I know that the groomers don't like to take them after vaccines so he'll be going to the groomer first and then coming here later in the day."
Me "Okayyy ..."
Why was that worth interrupting me? I DON'T CARE.

Also yesterday Dr. X got pissed because I called her on her day off to clarify WTF she wanted to do about a prescription for a patient that she has been managing (I'd seen this patient once - 6 weeks ago - and convinced them to go to a specialist, but Dr. X had been following up with the specialist and subsequent prescriptions which I knew NOTHING about.) The clients were out of medications and screaming over the phone.
Dr. X sent an email today apologizing. I haven't responded and probably won't. Not cool, Dr. X. Not cool. Just screen your calls like the rest of us do and call back when you've simmered down!

Finally, it seems that I am coming down with a cold. Extra yay.  3 more days to go this week!

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