Tuesday, November 13, 2012

T minus 2 months

Yesterday marked 2 months until the wedding. Eep! We still have a lot of things to iron out, such as the ceremony, some of the music selections (we have some decisions made but not all), where to have the rehearsal dinner, and more. I know that we will get it done but it sometimes gets a little overwhelming. I have to meter the number of things I discuss with D at a time because his job has been insanely stressful and I don't want to make his brain explode.

I also went to Crossfit yesterday - we did this hero workout. I used an assistance band for the pull-ups and 75 pounds for the lifting (Rx'ed for women was 95, so not too shabby). Afterward, I had a short conversation with the coach:
Coach: "Did you do the whole thing with 75 pounds?"
Me: "Yep."
Coach: "How was it?"
Me: "It was pretty challenging. I can't feel my arms right now."
Coach: "That's what I'm TALKING about!"

So basically we're all just a bunch of masochists.

Speaking of masochism or self-flagellation ... I went in to the shelter this morning to do surgeries again and had my second scrotal bleed from a kitten neuter (the first was the last time I was there 2 weeks ago). I KNOW that my knots are secure and the kittens are fine once pressure is applied to the scrotum but it is still making me paranoid. In addition, apparently a couple of kittens from the same litter that I neutered a few weeks ago developed pretty severe infections afterward.
My confidence is already so shaky from work that I question my ability. I KNOW that I'm using good sterile technique. I make SURE to snug down my figure 8 knots firmly and check for oozing as I release them. Yet I still think I must be screwing up somehow ... (even though I can't think of anything).

This run of post-op complications is NOT HELPING, universe.

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