Saturday, March 2, 2013

The last of the Saturday madness

Today I saw 28 patients, of which maybe 7 or 8 were easy vaccine appointments - the rest were surgeries, emergencies, and sick pets.

That, my friends, is a ridiculous number. I had no time for lunch and no time to even pee all day. The techs had no time for lunch and probably no time to pee either.

The sad part is that regional management will say 2 things:
1. Great job making lots of  money!
2. Stop clocking so much overtime

To which I (and probably the techs too) would respond: Make the schedule match the staff you have available, you j@ck@sses.

The former practice manager is now back as a customer service consultant. Problem is, they still act as though the practice manager. They said yesterday they were "so proud" of me because I was "living up to my potential" and if I "showed just a bit of that" in my new job I would "do great." See, they are convinced that I'm scared to take on cases and holding myself back due to a lack of confidence - even after I flat-out told them when I resigned:
"No actually I have plenty of confidence. The problem is that veterinarians who have been out of school 10-20 YEARS say the volume we're expected to do here is insane."

I feel bad for my classmate who will be backfilling me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! My favorite is the fun "over-time trap" where you need to finish your job, an go ahead and take that emergency, but God forbid you go into OT. Ha! Hoping your last few days flow well!
