Friday, January 4, 2013


I received my first piece of hate mail today.

It was a patient I saw 3 weeks ago - new client, new patient. Presenting complaint - intermittent gagging every few months. Talked extensively with the client about history, did my physical exam (which was unremarkable), then talked some more with the client about possible causes. Discussed x-rays to help with diagnosis. Recommended that if it happens again, since it wasn't reproducible in the exam room, that they try to get video of it as that can be helpful.

According to this letter I was extremely rude and unprofessional, the tech knew more than me, all I did was run my hands over the dog, and I also apparently cut off the client and said "I think we're done here." (I've never used that phrase in my entire life.) The letter was also apparently sent to the president of the company.


Oh, and that particular office visit was FREE, by the way (pretty much all new clients/new pets are free for their first visit), so I'm not sure what this person stands to gain by complaining. I'm also not sure why it was written 3 weeks after the fact. Did they really spend this whole time stewing over imaginary things?

Ugh. I just have to remember that this is one out of hundreds of clients and thousands of patients I've dealt with.

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