Friday, January 18, 2013


The wedding was great - my hair and makeup turned out well, the flowers were beautiful, the food was excellent, and the company was awesome. I didn't get nervous until about 10 minutes before the ceremony - mainly because I was worried that I would trip and fall. Once I started walking up the aisle and saw D I relaxed. We also got to go skiing for a couple of days afterward, which was nice! Our official honeymoon starts in about a week - a well-earned ski vacation.

Work is more of the same. I've become more efficient at handling cases which is good. We still have no 2nd doctor or full-time practice manager which is bad. I've been interviewing at a few other places which is good. I have no other offers yet which could be bad. At any rate, D and I talked and worked the numbers, and at the very least we can afford for me to drop down to part-time. 3 days per week would hopefully a.) make me a little less fried and b.) give me more free time to look for a better job.

I started medication after visiting my GP and it seems to be helping somewhat - full effects aren't expected for another week or so. I also have an appointment pending with a therapist. I HATE that I had to ask for that extra help and that I couldn't soldier on as usual, but when it gets to the point that I don't want to eat, well ...


  1. Congrats! Glad the wedding went well! Sorry about work still being so stressful. My non-medical friends could never understand why I was so stressed out at my last practice. However, when there are staff issues and a breakdown in communication, it can be a life-or-death situation. Tired techs administering meds, overloaded receptionists forgetting to get messages to the doctor, Doctors dealing with angry clients all day. It's rough.

    Don't be ashamed to ask for help. My last practice was so stressful that I started having panic attacks. I often worked 12-14 hour days with no breaks. Once passed out from low blood sugar, and took a serious amount of abuse from our owner and practice manager before I allowed myself to leave. I'm 30, and working on my pre-reqs for Vet school. Sometimes remembering those days makes me question that decision. But I love the work. Sometimes you have to get though the sucky bumps in the road to get to where you want to be! Good luck!!

  2. Thanks Sarah. You have no idea how much I needed that - especially today! Let's hope the sucky bumps end soon.
