Friday, August 17, 2012


After working as the only doctor in the hospital the other day, I suddenly became much more confident at work. I stopped shying away from appointments that looked like they might have difficult medical problems, difficult clients, or both.
Before, in the way back of my mind I would think something like this:
"I’ve never seen a case like that before. I have no idea how to treat that! Besides, they’ve seen Dr. G before so it’s probably better if she sees them again, right? What if I screw it all up and kill the pet/get sued/lose my license?”

I guess working by myself was the most frightening thing I could think of and once that was over I realized I could handle a lot more than I previously thought.

Today at Crossfit I noticed the fear getting in the way again. We were working up to a 1 rep max split jerk. I easily lifted 65, then 85, then 95 pounds. My previous best was 95 pounds, so once I added on 5 more pounds for 100 I suddenly struggled. I could get the weight up high enough to get under it but didn’t drop under the bar.
I’m pretty sure the back of my mind was saying something like:
“Oh crap. 100 pounds? That’s really heavy. What if I drop it? More specifically, what if I drop it ON MY HEAD?”

I talked with the coach about it and he had great advice – STOP THINKING. So I did, and boom – lifted the weight.

It’s really amazing how your mind can either help or hurt your performance. I used to think all those quotes and sayings about attitude were silly. Not anymore.

p.s. I also set a PR on the push press and the snatch (don’t laugh) this week!


  1. I've noticed that I'm excessively deferential to authority, at work. If I'm on emergency duty but someone senior to me is in the building, I'm practically paralyzed by the knowledge that THEY would do a better job with the case than I would. Which really gets in the way of managing the case! I'm completely different when I'm the only one there, because I know it's me or nothing, and no matter how under qualified I feel, I know I'm better for the patient than NOTHING! So I'm calmer and more confident and a better doctor as a result. It's really annoying.
